Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Draft Lotto Ruminations

Portland and Seattle, well, are they going to be around long enough for these picks to really help? From all I've read it seems as though the Sonic's bags are already packed and they're going to be mailing it in for the last season in Seattle. The Trailblazers, though, my, my, how Fortuna has smiled upon thee! I don't think Portland can go wrong drafting either Durant or Oden, I think they'll have a tough time selling Zach Randolph to anyone besides the Knicks and the Knicks don't even need him. The strange thing about this lotto is how much stronger the Western Conference is going to be. With two of the top three picks going to the Northwest Division we're looking at another decade of bigs from the West running the East out of the gym in the Finals. Which is a shame, I was really hoping to see one Conference get Durant and one get Oden. Also, is Kobe Bryant going to leave the Lake Show if the management doesn't make the right moves this offseason? If I'm Bryant I'm thinking to myself, "How do I get the big ticket outta the West and start over in the East?" Kobe as a Knick or Bobcat by 2008? Specualtive but not desirably intriguing.

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