Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy Day After New Year's

The staff of dport left a comment to me on their website saying how they expected some sort of NYE revelry review, so I'll try to get to that in this post. More importantly longtime suddenlystruttin follower and fellow blogger, bella french, has updated and revamped her little corner of cyberspace like mad and it's looking good, check it out right here. And speaking of updated/risen like the Phoenix-type site updates, Uncle Urb has recently tossed his hat back into the bloggers ring, click here for, eventually?, hilarious content.

Onto New Year's Eve, as previously mentioned I don't really get the purpose of this holiday-- it's about college football games and hangovers, right-- but I do love the, seemingly, laissez-faire attitude that people embrace on this night, the "I've got work in two days and am up to my neck in credit card debt after the holiday, but Fuck It! I will buy that magnum of Moet and an eight ball" attitude. Suffice it to say, I went out with a bottle of Old Granddad to a house party a few blocks from my apartment and had a lot of fun drinking Boilermakers, dancing like a fool, --Scene Missing-- then coming home. The best part about coming home was waking up --Scene Missing-- and then waking up again much later, like around 6:30 am on my couch in my underwear and wearing my winter coat. Yeah, not sure what happened in a few spots. Hope everybody had a great night!


Paul said...

its ok I fell in a closet, and I think I broke some stuff

Tony Ritz said...

Broke stuff, huh? Like ladies hearts?

sarah said...

I think your description of the party is as good as any. After waking up on my couch in all of my clothes at about 7 a.m., it took me several text messages to find out exactly how I got there. "Scene missing" is an understatement, friend.

Tony Ritz said...

I recall Greggors and I, at midnight, trying to get a Conga line going, alas, everyone else had other (and worse) ideas.

Anonymous said...

What I learned was that the words "Scotch" and "moderation" really need to go together for me.

sarah said...

I would have joined a conga line had I realized it was occurring. Alas, I didn't really know my own name.

I learned that Scotch and champagne are a dangerous combination. See you in hell, Glenlivet.