Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dust to Dust

"Annnnnnd we're back, annnnnnnd we're staying focused."

So the grand experiment that was me writing for The Tyra Banks Show has officially come to a close and, shockingly!, I had nothing to do with my own being laid off. Nope, my poor friend the Web Producer was fired for being far too smart for her own good. Which really sucks, but I'm quite sure that she'll land on her feet.

In any case, I owe my poor, neglected, little corner of the Internet a heartfelt apology. Dear, I'm sorry I'm such a wretched blogger. Sincerely, Tony Ritz. So what's new with old Tony Ritz? Well, I've got a few irons in the fire right now including some freelance work for the Not For Tourists series of guidebooks and my first reviews should be posted by the end of next week...details to follow. And as usual, Thomas and myself have been up to our rambling and non-sensical sports blathering at 3 Yards and a Cloud of Lust. In the meantime, I'm looking for an ever better blogging/writing gig to replace the dearly departed (and horribly named) "Single and Fierce" of

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are back in your unconstrained glory. I suggest that you revisit the questions you answered on the tyrablog and answer them properly this time.