Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bullish and Bearish

Welcome, once again, to another edition of Bullish and Bearish-suddenlystruttin's quasi-weekly breakdown of the trends that define your world, or something...


Holiday-Themed Horror Movies

I netflixed the 1974 version of "Black Christmas" this week and I gotta tell you, I was impressed. It's a pretty bleak and very well-constructed horror film wherein-Spoiler Alert!- the bad guy wins in the end. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to have the bad guy win in movies, it's one of those incredibly awesome plot devices, right up there with gratuitous nudity.

This week we're also rather bullish on Allen Iverson, who's Allen Iverson? you ask. Iverson, is arguably the shortest (no, seriously, like, waaaaay shorter than Tony Ritz, okay, three inches) awesome NBAer this side of Spud Webb and recently he hung out with Nelly, "Tch," I know, for a show on IFC. Here's what he had to say about OJ Simpson:



Unwanted Pregnancies

Seriously, I'm trying to make this not happen. The staff and I are thinking hard about restructuring suddenlystruttin as a not-for-profit [It's not already? Zing! -Ed.] solely designed to prevent extremely gorgeous Hollywood actresses from getting knocked up by anyone but ourselves by anyone.

In Memorial.


Eric said...

AI needs his own sitcom. Not one of those "reality" shows that nobody will watch, but a real, prime time sitcom. Secondly, I am pretty sure that forcing Jessica Alba to abort the little parasite is in the public interest. Let's contact our senator.

Tony Ritz said...

I'd love to see AI get his own sitcom. It'd have to have a lot of crazy NBA cameos and hopefully, the Harlem Globetrotters would swing by to help him solve mysteries. This Alba news is most troubling.