Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Midweek Updates

Here's a slew of news, notes and tidbits you can impress your coworkers with at the office holiday party.

Worst. News. Ever. Jessica Alba is pregnant, I can't emphasize enough how depressing this news is. First off, the staff of suddenlystruttin are staunchly against over-population. Secondly-and well, way more importantly-do you know how gross Jessica Alba is going to look, now that she's preggers? ICK! What with the bulging stomach and all those filthy veins popping through, Christ, why can't she just adopt?

Sigh, in memorial: Jessica Alba's smokin' hottt body.

Nerds Gaining Too Much Sway With Lexicographers
Merriam-Webster announced today that the word "w00t" as the word of the year. Yes, that's right a "w" and a "t" with two 0's in between is the word of the year. What does "w00t" mean? you might be wondering, well, you "newb" the term "w00t" is used to describe joy or glee. For example: A freedom-hating nerd might use the term "w00t" when informed of Jessica Alba's pregnancy.

Tribune Co. to Sell Chicago Cubs and Wrigley Field
Billionaire owner Sam Zell is planning on selling the Cubs and Wrigley Field from the family of Tribune-owned properties. Which is funny, cause, you konw, the Cubs are vastly more profitable than a moribund newspaper franchise with a weak-ass web presence, but I'm just a blogger, so what do I know. In any case, the imminent sale is exciting for me, as I'm really hoping Mark Cuban buys the Cubs.

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