Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bullish and Bearish


Tights and Shorts

This fashion trend has been emerging for the past few falls in Chicago and it's rather rampant this go around; to whichever heroin-chic, slutted up, New York hipsterette who came up with this idea: "Thank You!" Jesus Christ, on the behalf of men everywhere, THANK YOU! I cannot emphasize how awesome this look is, it combines the practicality of ladies keeping their hot, delicious legs warm with the tights and melds that with the fun of an afternoon spent ogling waitresses in short shorts at the Hooters out by the airport.

Excuse me, my left hand girlfriend is beckoning me towards the bedroom.



Swedish Officials

If this activist group gets the legislation to pass, I am soooo moving to Sweden.


npontarelli said...

I have yet to see this look. In what circles do you travel? Plus, your argument that these "tights" (the picture you display shows fishnet stockings) provide warmth is just silly. You know as well as anyone that fishnet stockings do not keep your legs warm.

Tony Ritz said...

Har fuckin' har. This look is straight bangin' and if a lady needs her legs warmed up more-I'll do the chivalrous thing and warm them up myself.