Thursday, November 08, 2007

Is The WGA Strike That Big of a Deal?

We'll be back in a bit to get a Sports Thursday post up, but for now, has everyone had enough of the Writer's Guild Strike? For me, I can't get too excited/concerned about the strike, basically, I watch television for sports and that's about it. Recently-past four months-I've really gotten into "Lost" but other than that, TV? Not so much. I mean, fuck the heck, these are the same people who are coming up with great marginally adequate ideas like, Cavemen, Heroes-a Lost/Invasion rip-off, The Hills, et cetera, et cetera. Why don't the TV companies just re-air great cancelled shows in the meantime, shows like Cheers, Arrested Development, Futurama, Mister Ed, Flipper et cetera. This plan solves two problems: namely, my entertainment and providing the striking writers with some much needed inspiration for when they get back to work.

1 comment:

Tony Ritz said...