Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bullish and Bearish

It's time for another installment of Bullish and Bearish wherein Suddenlystruttin rambles and rants on what we feel is the hott and the decidedly not.



I've been bullish on this movie since the teaser hit youtube back in July and everyone was referring to it as "01-18-08" or simply, "JJ Abrams new project." Now they've released the full trailer and the movie is going to be called "Cloverfield." This trailer does not disappoint and I am extremely intrigued by what this flick can bring to the table. That being said, good monster movies are reaaallly hard to pull off, so, I need to temper my enthusiasm with a dose of: "Eh, it's not gonna be that great."

New Silver Jews Album*

That cantankerous and oh, so poetic troubadour of "The People," David Berman, is at it again with a new album coming out sometime next spring, right around my birthday if anyone's wondering about what to get me... This time around the collection of songs will be called, "Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea." Sounds pretty stupid to me, but hey, so does "Cloverfield" and lame titles aren't going to stop me from checking either of them out.




I'm all for sabotage along as it never, ever under any circumstances puts a beautiful, young woman at risk of losing her beauty and youth. This automatically puts me ahead of whatever courtesan/harlot/hussy that dared to endanger the looks of the tender and recently crowned Miss Puerto Rico. Allegedly the jealous competitor sprayed the clothing of Miss PR with pepper spray. Which reminds me of a funny story in which I used pepper spray as an aphrodisiac...it didn't work and I digress! In any case, Fuck! are women ever ruthless when it comes to competition and beauty pageants and whatnot.

"I'm not noticing any irritation, would you mind removing your bikini, so that I may, ahh, analyze the affected areas more closely?"

* Thanks to alert reader and Columbus, Ohio resident, David for bringing this to my attention.


Anonymous said...

I liked Cloverfield a lot better when it was called The Blair Witch Project. . . . Ahhhhhh, snap!

More importantly: if that thing is some giant monster (and/or a giant Muslim) at the center of the city, I hope it skull-fucked the Statue of Liberty before disposing of her head.

Tony Ritz said...

Okay, somebody's been reading a little too much Brett Easton Ellis lately and is definitely concerned about their overgrown ego having some competition in lower Manhattan. Can't there be room enough for you and the monster to skull-fuck the Statue of Liberty?