Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bullish and Bearish


Labor Strikes in France

Count me in whenever my ancestor's homeland is brought up in labor-related strife. "What's that Pierre? You're pension isn't at the level you want it to be and your bosses are pressuring you to retire early?" Strike! Seriously the French are the most awesome citizenship on the face of the planet. They get about 8 weeks of vacation every summer and whenever they get upset about their wages/pensions/wine and cheese allotments they get to go on strike. That settles it, I'm moving to France! [You don't parlez vous Francais-Ed.] Not knowing a language has never stopped me before, just ask the Nazis how much ass I kicked when I invaded Berlin back in 1942. Or maybe that was in a game of Wolfenstein 3-D...

Bonus Bullish
So, I know this happened this past weekend and it's been all over the celeb-blogs for a few days now, but I really don't feel that I'd be doing my duty if I weren't to report on the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and when I say "report," I mean, show a picture of a supermodel in lingerie.

Gratuitous? You bet! Oh, and please click image for a much larger image.

The Presidential Pardon of the National Turkey
This sends the completely wrong message to terrorists. Where's the menace? Where's the fear-mongering? I say, if you let one turkey go, you're basically enabling, hell, funding at least 20 Al-Qaeda members. It's practically giving them the blue prints to the USA's largest turkey factory. [What?-Ed.] In any case the President is a big chicken for being soft on turkeys. I'm sure Bin Laden is gobbling this all down with glee somewhere in his mountain compound that he shares with Elvis, Nixon's ghost and the guy who played Mr. Belvedere.

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