Friday, October 12, 2007

Jack Ass of the Week: Barf Alert!

This Guy! He's an artist. He's surgically implanted an ear in his arm. And Ladies, he's single!*

"So, I held my cell up to my arm and said, "Can you ear me now?"

*Cannot attest to veracity of that statement, please consult suddenlystruttin's legal team.
** Thanks to The Big Lead for the linkage!


Anonymous said...

It is Friday and if I puke, then it should only be caused by alcohol, not that disgusting photo. Kindly, please remove it.

Unknown said...

no way, jose. the picture stays.

Drew said...

What is wrong with people?! at least Van Gogh buried his ear instead of reattaching it to his arm. Clearly that is a much more sane way of disposal for a rogue ear.